It’s one thing to be Oprah or Beyoncé, women so famous that they only need one name, to be known more for their work than their uber net-worth. But step outside the realm of celebrity, and the typical idea of a rich woman in the United States is someone who is married to a rich man—which makes the woman inherently suspicious.

Mo’ money, Mo’ problems? Turns out the answer is yes if you’re a wealthy woman in the United States. Add a layer of complication like divorce, and those waters get even muddier.
Issues of wealth and power have made their way into the mainstream news on a nightly basis. Politics fuel this divide, and social media has created a culture that makes it universally acceptable for people of all classes to safely target the rich, nearly to the extent of engaging in a race over who can hate the rich the most.
But why?
When an ultra-wealthy woman experiences a personal problem in the public eye, typical responses range from dismissal [“She’s rich, so who cares?”] to rage [“Good; I hate her”]. What is the fuel in the class rage, and how can we extinguish it?
There is a level of vulnerability in a good relationship. Now take that vulnerability and stick it in a crumbling relationship. This is where things get messy, and fast. Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. A strong network of experts is the key to coming out of the experience in the best place you can be. This is where Summerhill Wealth Management can help.
As long as there is money, there will be opinions about money. Who should have it; who shouldn’t have it; who should have how much and for how long. Life is complicated enough on its own. Risk is inevitable in divorce. Managing that risk is crucial.