More Money, More Problems? Turns Out The Answer Is Yes.
It’s one thing to be Oprah or Beyoncé, women so famous that they only need one name, to be known more for their work than their uber net-worth. But step outside the realm of celebrity, and the typical idea of a rich woman in the United States is someone who is married to a rich…
Read MoreFinancial Taboo…And How to Split a Retirement Plan in Divorce
4 min read Life would sure be a lot easier if we all knew everything all the time. For instance, it would be great to know how to fix my brand new electric water heater when it beeps and has an error code ECC. But I do not know everything, and I sure don’t expect…
Read MoreFinancial Intimidation for Ultra-Wealthy Women in Divorce
2 min read You cannot beat yourself up about trusting your spouse with the finances during your entire marriage. Read further to understand how to get past the feeling and move forward. Why was the male in the relationship always in charge? Why did the women always trust the men to take care of the…
Read MoreDivorced and Women Being Financially Grateful
2 min read With the holiday season coming up in full swing, it is time to count your blessings. Although, if nobody else around you knows what you went through with your divorce, it may be harder than you ever imagined. DIVORCING AND WOMEN BEING GRATEFUL With everything you have just gone through with your…
Read MoreFinancial Goals for Women Post Divorce
3 min read These are seemingly simple goals, but overlooked by divorced women all the time. What Women Should Think Post Divorce There are so many ways to design your life post divorce as a female. One thing that needs to be done is to take an inventory of where you are at and where…
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